Friday, February 28, 2014

Student 37

Now I want to talk about Cambodia.  In Cambodia there are a lot of trees and a lot of animals. You can see the animals when you go to the zoo.  In Cambodia there are a lot of traffic lights, cars, motorcycles, and bikes, and a lot of schools for both Khmer school and English school.  I think Cambodia has a lot of seaside areas.  The name of the rivers is Mekong, which has a lot of fish and when you go to the beach in Kampongsom Province there are a lot of crabs, fish and octopus.  Now in Seamreap Province there are a lot of trees and Bayon Temple, Taprom Temple, small temples and big temples.  And then when you go to Boko Province there are a lot of trees too and there is Boko Mountain and a waterfall.  You can swim in the waterfall and the hotel has a spa and a restaurant.  I was very happy with them.  And in the afternoon you can eat rice under the trees on the mountain and have a beautiful view and a wonderful view.  In Cambodia there area lot of people and trees and flowers and the view is very wonderful.  I think Cambodia has a lot of beautiful places.
I like my country and the beautiful places.
The name of my country is Cambodia: the Kingdom of Wonders.

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